Torchlight 2 wiki into the dark
Torchlight 2 wiki into the dark

However it's also beneficial as both of the newly spawned champions reward a similar lump of experience and fame for killing them. These new ones are at least partially weaker, but the sudden jump in incoming DPS can still prove lethal.

torchlight 2 wiki into the dark

What this means is that when they die, they spawn two new bosses of the same mob type. Asteroids Monster: Now sometimes Champions and their flunkies will have the "Dividing" trait.Artifact Title: The eponymous town is destroyed in the opening cutscene and doesn't even appear in the game, aside from a small cameo as a (still burning) landmark in the loading screen's maps.Apocalyptic Log: There are several diary entries spread around the Abandoned Sawmill, detailing how the inhabitants were offed by werewolves in the span of five days.Quest items do not take inventory space.However, unlike the original game, where you have to match the level AND the stat requirements in order to equip something, here you can fulfill either of them in order use the gear. Level-Locked Loot is present, with a level and stat requirements, just like in the first game and the Diablo series.You can re-buy any item you have sold at the same price you sold it.Also, you first reach the hub world around level 3, so you can undo all of your starting skills to work on a build you want as soon as you reach the first town. Each hub area has a "tutor" that can refund up to your last three spent skill points.The Berserker's Tundra skills contain plenty of ice related skills in a different form along with two electricity examples. An Ice Person: The Embermage's Frost skill tree can make them this.The Berserker's Storm Hatchet skill, which is an electrical throwing axe.An Axe to Grind: Axes and great axes have no damage range, making their DPS consistent sans fumbles and Critical Hits.More specifically, the defeat of Ezrek Khan also frees the Guardian - which your character was trying to do in the first place - without Fazeer having to lift a finger. He agrees to help only if you entertain him with some quests and in the end he only tricks you into fulfilling his end of the bargain yourself, ridding him of his rival in the process. All-Powerful Bystander: The second act has you asking a powerful Djinni named Fazeer Shah, who is stated to be stronger than the guardians themselves, for help.Alien Blood: Different types of enemies have different blood colors: beasts and humanoids have red blood, insectoids and corporeal undeads have green blood, and the Netherim have bluish-purple blood.There's also enemy versions that look like clockwork beetles, deployed by Ezrohir. Action Bomb: The spider mines, one of the Engineer's mechanical constructs.Nether Plaguebearers fire out diseased pustules from their backs that swell up and explode.Corpsefire skeletons attack you by pulling off their skulls and throwing them.

Torchlight 2 wiki into the dark